The day I fucked my waifu

I always thought my waifu, Jeff the Killer, was real. But my fanboy comments were bagged by people for me being autistic. I'M ALLOWED 2 BE AUTISTIC U GUIZE! So I found out the pasta was moved to the Trollpasta Wiki. Like the fanboy I was, I immediately vandalized the site with stuff asking it to put Jeff the Killer back on the Creepypasta Wiki. When they refused, I kept doing it. When I was banned, I used a proxy. When they banned proxies, I moved house. When they banned my suburb, I moved to another one. When they banned my city, I moved to another one. When they banned my state, I moved to another one. When they banned my country, I moved to another one. When they banned my continent, I moved to another one. When they banned the Earth, I was more butthurt than one who had been stabbed 97 times in the ass, had 3rd degree burns on the ass, and being kicked in the ass. So I started crying and whined like a bitch. But in my sleep, Jeff told me to wake up. I did. He was right there! My 1 millimeter penis quickly got erect, and I asked "Can I fuck you?" He said "No. You are a fat autistic neckbearded brony." I then screamed while crying because he wouldn't fuck me. Then he obliged, but "ONLY IF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP" It felt so great! Then he came in my asshole after the sexy sex. The end.